Make Ethical Project Decisions with Staff Allocation Software

 Make Ethical Project Decisions With Staff Allocation Software

As a project manager, using staff allocation software can help you efficiently manage resources and avoid ethical issues such as improper use of funds or tampering with product safety data. By automating scheduling and optimizing employee assignments, you can ensure that your projects are completed on time and within budget, while also maintaining the highest ethical standards. Don't take chances with your projects - use staff allocation software to stay on top of resource management tools and ethical issues.

Join us as we explore common ethical situations you might face in project management. We identify the different ways you can go about resolving them, and also present an ethical decision making framework you can apply to project management.

Ethical Project Decisions With Staff Allocation Software

Common Ethical Issues in Project Management

Ethical issues are crucial to your overall competency as a project manager and reputation. According to PMI, “Ethics is about making the best possible decisions concerning people, resources, and the environment.”

There are several ethical boundaries you might experience in project planning and execution. Sometimes, lines are crossed to ensure a project is delivered on time, or managers turn a blind eye to questionable activities in order to satisfy client needs. The larger and more complex the project, higher the chances of its ethics being compromised.

Some of the most common ethical issues faced in project management are highlighted below.

  • Lack of Transparency. This can occur when there’s a failure to report an accurate picture of numbers or costs to management because it might show the project was a failure. Another example of this is when a manager or team member might want to present the impression that everything is going as planned when it’s not because it impacts ROI.
  • Not Remaining Objective: This dilemma arises when one party or stakeholder is given preferential treatment over the rest. Managers or team members get easily swayed and allow them to “hijack” projects.
  • Violating Laws and Regulations: The majority of countries have laws and regulations that could impact a project. These could be regarding employee inclusivity, overtime, work schedules, or protection of the local workforce. Violating them by underpaying or working employees overtime to deliver results is an ethical situation.
  • Dismissing Health and Safety Standards: When stakes are high, there’s an increased chance of compromising on health and safety protocols. Examples could be not using safe and tested construction materials, working with a faulty machine, or requiring employees to work in a toxic environment. Managers should raise an alarm instead of concealing matters that could harm the health and safety of members or the public.

While it’s common for things to go awry in projects, there is a way to safely navigate these murky and sticky situations. We look into a framework you can use for ethical decision-making, next.

4-Step Framework for Ethical Decision Making

4-Step Framework for Ethical Decision Making

Having an ethical mind isn’t the only requisite required for project decisions. A practical and repeatable process is necessary. This framework will make ethical decision making transparent and something that can become part of a company’s core values.

The steps you need to follow are:

  1. Have all the required data and information
  2. The key to making the right ethical decision is having all the facts and context right. Speak to all involved stakeholders and hear their stories. Also, understand the relevant ethical, legal, and cultural norms that could apply. You can use metrics from a resource allocation software, your employer's code of ethics booklet, and PMI’s Code of ethics as a part of your data collection.

    all the required data and information
  3. Consider your options and select the optimum path
  4. Once you have all the information in front of you, list out what paths you can take to address the issue. For each option, proceed to make a list of pros and cons. You can also categorise each option by its outcome zone: completely acceptable, questionable, and clearly not acceptable. Feel free to reach out to experts, consultants, or even friends to benefit from their knowledge. It can help you uncover new possibilities.

    By following the steps mentioned above, you will also be able to identify which path you are leaning towards. Experts say the best way to come up with alternatives is to ask questions. By asking questions, you will be able to uncover options and gain perspectives you might not have considered.

    Questions that can help you come up with viable resolutions include:

    • “What was the intent behind the ethical misconduct?”
    • “What will the impact be a year from now? On clients? Stakeholders? Team members?”
    • “Is there any external pressure or influence impacting this choice?”
  5. Apply ethical standards to that choice
  6. Before making the final call, apply your set of ethical standards. This step involves asking questions like “Is the impact fair and equal for all parties?” and “Does this path match your intuition and rationale?” Some people call this part of the process the “front page test.” Would you be able to justify your reasoning to others? How would you feel if your decision was the headline in tomorrow’s newspaper? Use these guidelines to finalise your choice.

  7. Make the final decision
  8. Finally, it’s time to make your decision and share it with all those impacted. This could include team members, higher management, clients, vendors, or even the media. You should also be able to share your reasoning behind it with all involved members and feel good about it. Sharing your thought process will provide clarity and help you gain buy-in from the team.

    This ethical decision-making process seems pretty straightforward, but the more complex the project, the more challenging it is to weigh all your options. However, consistently using this framework will make it second nature. And eventually, it will carry you through some of the trickiest and most uncomfortable dilemmas.

Make Ethical Decisions Easier with Staff Allocation Software

Staff allocation software can help you make ethical decisions easier. An employee management tool is a wealth of information and data. It tracks employee information, productivity, capacity, and budget — all elements of a project in a centralized place. You can use this data to remain objective and also gain a real understanding of any ethical dilemma you may face.

With staff allocation software, you can assign tasks and responsibilities in a fair manner, ensuring everyone’s workload is balanced (no one is over capacity). It also displays accurate costs associated with projects through its financial reports. All the metrics are presented in real time, so there is no chance of covering up numbers. The project progress reports also allow managers to swiftly step in and take the necessary corrective actions.

Make Ethical Decisions  Easier with Staff Allocation Software

Lastly, it can also help you accurately forecast resources for projects, so that you, as a project manager, have the most accurate grasp on what your team can deliver or not. Complex ethical problems rarely come with any warnings, but we can do our best to minimize risks and their occurrence. eRS, can be your trusted staff allocation software provider. Our AI-driven platform will make it easier for you to handle and resolve ethical misconduct.

Start our 14-day trial and make your projects more effective and ethically sound.

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Nikita Sharma
Nikita Sharma, an impassioned Marketing Consultant at eResource Scheduler, has been shaping the digital marketing landscape since January 2021. With a rich background in web development and digital marketing strategy, she's a beacon of innovation in the field. Nikita has achieved remarkable milestones, including reaching over 1 million social media users for the Jaipur International Film Festival and 3 million-plus SERP impressions for Enbraun Technologies. Her tenure at Nexa as a Digital Marketing Strategist in Dubai, certified by Google and Hubspot, underscores her profound expertise. Nikita's educational journey in Computer Science from Rajasthan Technical University and advanced programming courses have been pivotal in her career. She exemplifies dedication, creativity, and a deep understanding of digital trends, making significant impacts across diverse industries.

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